The stratigraphy

Excavations in the cortile, 2006.

Plan of excavated areas and standing remains

The stratigraphic reports for Villa Magna have been broken down according to excavation areas, below. Note that in some cases an area may be discussed on a period-by-period basis over one or more reports. All reports include direct links to excavated context records and object catalogues, as outlined in our online publication conventions.

  1. Areas A and G: the winery (Janine Young)
  2. Areas A and F: the baths (Andrea Di Miceli)
  3. Areas A and F: the medieval stratigraphy of the casale (Darian Marie Totten)
  4. Area BI: the cemetery (Corisande Fenwick)
  5. Area BII: the monastery to the north of the church (Caroline Goodson)
  6. Area C: the church (Megan McNamee)
  7. Area D: the barracks in the Roman period (Serena Privitera)
  8. Area D: the barracks in later periods (Margaret Andrews)
  9. Area E: the nymphaeum (‘Fontana Romana’) (Marco Maiuro)
  10. Area F: the cistern (Ismini Miliaresis)
  11. Area H: the ‘vivarium’ (Elizabeth Fentress)