The stratigraphy

The stratigraphic reports for Villa Magna have been broken down according to excavation areas, below. Note that in some cases an area may be discussed on a period-by-period basis over one or more reports. All reports include direct links to excavated context records and object catalogues, as outlined in our online publication conventions.
- Areas A and G: the winery (Janine Young)
- Areas A and F: the baths (Andrea Di Miceli)
- Areas A and F: the medieval stratigraphy of the casale (Darian Marie Totten)
- Area BI: the cemetery (Corisande Fenwick)
- Area BII: the monastery to the north of the church (Caroline Goodson)
- Area C: the church (Megan McNamee)
- Area D: the barracks in the Roman period (Serena Privitera)
- Area D: the barracks in later periods (Margaret Andrews)
- Area E: the nymphaeum (‘Fontana Romana’) (Marco Maiuro)
- Area F: the cistern (Ismini Miliaresis)
- Area H: the ‘vivarium’ (Elizabeth Fentress)