Guide to data entry

The Data Entry system of ARK is defined to mirror the paper record as closely as possible, making data entry and viewing highly intuitive. As such, users entering excavation or evaluation data should not require advanced training or user help guides to complete their task. It is important to remember to NEVER USE THE BROWSER REFRESH KEY WHEN USING THE DATA ENTRY MENU. This resubmits the already entered data, creating duplicate entries in the database or crashing the system. Please use the navigation tools provided to move around the system and not the web browser’s forward, back, or refresh keys.

All data entry options are available from the user home page by selecting the ‘Data Entry’ tab from the main navigation bar. The following sections briefly outline basic data entry procedure. For more details please consult the ARKonline help files.

Item Registers

The first step of data entry is always to enter any new items into the appropriate register. The register is a list of all SUs, plans, site photos, etc and is essential to assign a unique identifier to each item. Detailed SUs cannot be accessed before this step. Entering items into their respective register isALWAYS the first step of data entry. The entry process for most registers is very straightforward. Some of the common fields to be entered are outlined below:

  • cxt-no/pln-no/sph-no: The item number, to be entered manually. For SUs this has been assigned in the field, but for plans, sections, photos once this number is assigned, this number cannot be edited! It is therefore important to be very careful when entering the item number before saving the record.
  • type: The SU type, to be selected from a dropdown menu of project-specific SU types.
  • definition: A short definition of the item.
  • issued to: The person responsible for entering the data.
  • issued on: The date of data entry.
  • options: The edit [ed] option is presented if one of the last items to be entered needs to be changed. The item number CANNOT be edited at this time.
  • add: The add button saves all information in the register. It is important to check that all information is complete BEFORE choosing to save. The item number cannot be reassigned after saving. If the item number has been entered incorrectly, please contact the system administrator to have it voided manually from the database.

The Scheda

The top of the scheda contains basic information on the site code, the SU type, and the SU number. The resulting scheda varies depending on SU type. All settings on the scheda are user-configurable, allowing the same sheet to be used for a variety of different projects.

Text Fields

Those values recorded as text fields can be directly entered into ARK, and are displayed on the scheda as empty white text boxes. Any or all fields can be entered, but these changes will not be made permanent until selecting the ‘Save’ button. These values can then be altered individually using the ‘edit’ button adjacent to each field. As above, changes made while editing will not be finalised until selecting the ‘Save’ button at the end of the text field area.

Although every effort has been made to recreate directly the paper scheda, there are some areas where text fields will appear in a slightly different order/position than the paper record. Please be aware of these differences and be diligent when entering data. Although data entry can be considered fairly tedious, it is important to maintain concentration to prevent incorrect data from disrupting the overall data integrity.

Stratigraphic Relationships

Stratigraphic relationships are entered after the text portion of the scheda. Depending on the nature of the project, these may be entered either purely in matrix form, or defining the type of relationship between the selected SUs, SSUs and HRUs. As many different relationships as needed can be entered, but SUs MUST be entered in the Register before they can be referred to stratigraphically.

It is important to understand that inputting a stratigraphic relationship between two SUs creates a link between the two within the database, and as such will appear on BOTH the scheda on which the relationship was entered AND the scheda of the other SU. For example, if entering the data for SU 100, it is sufficient to say that SU 100 covers SU 101. When entering SU 101, it will automatically appear as covered by SU 100, the information does not need to be entered a second time.

These relationships are entered from the top down. As such, only the active forms of stratigraphic relationships are entered on the scheda. This means that in the above example SU 101 would enter SU 100 in the text box above and then choose ‘Covers’ from the dropdown, reading from top to bottom to indicate that SU 100 COVERS SU 101. If all relationships are not known for a given SU, or the necessary SU has not yet been entered the register, this can be added at a later date by returning to the given SU or by stating the relationship on the second SU when it is completed.


In order to allow for changing opinions during an ongoing project, a countless number of interpretations are possible for any given SU within the ARK system. Interpretations are entered under the stratigraphic matrix on the SU sheet. These interpretations are entered as text, with the team member making the interpretation selected from a dropdown box and the date of interpretation entered adjacent. These interpretations can then be edited by using the edit [ed] option. As an infinite number of interpretations are available, there is no option for the deleting of previous entries. Users are instead encouraged to either edit spurious interpretations or leave them intact as evidence of changing opinions as more evidence becomes available.

Record Details

The ‘Record Details’ section appears at the very bottom of the SU sheet, and will vary greatly from project to project. This can contain information on who has compiled the record, who checked the record, who supervised or directed the area, and the dates for any of these actions. Each person can be added to any of the configured categories, normally identified by initials taken from the user profile.

It is important to note that each individual and date entered with the record details must be saved individually by clicking on the ‘add’ button beside the input field or dropdown menu.

Data Toolbox

The Data Toolbox functions as a valuable tool for tracking the status of data entry for SU sheets and rapidly navigating between SUs. When data entry is completed, records should be flagged within the Data Toolbox. Similarly, as records are checked for accuracy the toolbox flags can identify which SUs still require checking. Other status flags are available and should be used when appropriate. The status of SUs, as entered in the Data Toolbox, can then be searched to isolate those records still awaiting completion.