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- Chisel
- Iron
- L. 10.3 cm. Th.: squared middle, 6 x 6 mm, tapering to 4 x 4 mm at the grip end. Working end, th. 3 mm. Tooth length, 5 mm and 3 mm.
- A short, thin-shafted tool with two sharp teeth in its flattened working end. It looks as if it had been adapted from a spare nail shaft. The taper of the shaft towards the other, handle end is what most resembles a squared typical nail shaft. Both cutting teeth retain their points but one is visibly shorter than the other. The chisel probably wore down under use and was re-sharpened.
- Intact with accretions and rust.
- Alicu 1994, fig. 2.3; Manning 1985, B 43.
Record Details
- tile/mortar filled deposit excavated in a 1x1 m sondage on E edge of trench. Then this sondage was expanded through the trench and the layer was found S of USM 5008
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