- UT 12 - SGU 2B - campo 76
- Colle Concervino
- Sgurgola 389100
- Prato
- A ridosso del Fosso del Formale area di 150 X 50 m. di frammenti fittili minutissimi, maggior concentrazione nella parte pianeggiante. Mazzolani observed a large terrace wall in polygonal masonry. The visible ruins comprise one group in large squared sandstone blocks, with some caementicium, wile others are built in opus quasi-reticulatum, and preserved around 50 cm. high. Pie-shaped column bricks.
- Mazzolani 1969, site 72
- Identified as a villa because of its size, platform, and column bricks. The opus quasi reticulatum described by Mazzolani, together with the polygonal basis villae, guarantees a republican date. If this relates to Mazzolani 74, the tomb with the arms trophy, its occupation continues to the second century, and it is VM's nearest neighbour.
- Lisa Fentress
- 23-1-2013
- Sito individuato già dalla Mazzolani (Mazzolani 1969, n. 72).
- Raffaele Laino
- 24-6-2010
Record Details
- Raffaele Laino
- 13-11-2006