- Use surface for hut associated with hearth US 8144. This extends to US 8147, the limit of the capanna. Millstones may indicate a place of household production
- Darian Marie Totten
- 24-7-2009
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- color, composition
- not excavated
- N-S: 1 m; E-W: 1.6 m
- silty
- dark brownish gray
- friable
- no later intervention
- accumulation
- small white stone fragments, one large white stone, grain mill fragments
- charcoal, animal bones
- ceramics
- This stratum is dispersed horizontally, and is of a silty, smooth composition. Visible in low concentration on the surface is one large white stone inclusion, as well as two grain mill stones lying on the surface. This stratum has a plane surface. The soil was an easily troweled sandy clay with dense inclusions of charcoal and sparse inclusions of animal bones and ceramic fragments randomly distributed. The interface with the stratum below was clear for reasons of color.
- excavated in its entirety
- early monastery
Inventario di Ceramica
- 1000 AD - 1099 AD
- vetrina sparsa a, perhaps an import because it has different clay fabric
Totale | |
2 | |
30 |