- This is a wall used for terracing, similar to those found further east in the trench in 2008 (USM 8001 and 8002), found at the margin of a cut in the modern soil to construct this terrace.
- Darian Marie Totten
- 12-6-2009
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- line of stones at the western limit of the trench
- orientation
- some missing stones
- dry masonry
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- 20 x 565 cm
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- Roughly hewn white calcareous stones, one tufaceous stone, reuse of cocciopesto fragment.
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- 1 course of stones, 20 cm high
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- The stones used to construct this SU are roughly of the same size. The white stones are roughly hewn, some displaying a more square-rectangular surface, and others are smoother, with a more rounded appearance. One stone is actually a reused block of cocciopesto (evident is a bluish gray mortar with inclusions of broken brick and tile that are a reddish orange and an orangish yellow in color). The tufa is whitish yellow in color and friable. The wall is not held together with mortar, but instead a blackish brown friable soil is found between the stones. This fill ranges from 0-7 cm in width.
- medieval contexts are found immediately to the east
- modern
Basic Information
- line of stones at the western limit of the trench
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Darian Marie Totten
- 12-6-2009