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    • Friability of soil leads to the interpretation that this stratum is the fill of cut US 8076. The stones found inside this cut would have served as supports for a post placed inside the hole. The carbon-rich soil inside is the degraded wooden post.
      • Andrea Di Miceli
    • 8-6-2009

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • No Linked Records

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  • color, consistency, composition
  • trowel
  • clayey sand
  • grayish brown
  • friable
  • no later intervention
  • accumulation (artificial)
  • small stones
  • charcoal
  • brick fragments
  • Layer of earth found inside cut SU 8076. This stratum is composed of soil with prevalent inclusions of charcoal found in greater concentration at the bottom of the stratum, as well as very small brick fragments and small stones (approximately 1 cm in length) distributed evenly throughout. The stratum is distinct from that found around it because it is more friable. The white stone found along its NW margin, as well as that found inside, form part of this stratum. The stratum follows the margins delineated by cut SU 8076.
  • SU 8076 probably cuts the stratum below SU 8057 (perhaps continuation of SU 8071 found to the west?), and for this reason, the fill extends beyond SU 8057 as well.

Ceramic Inventory

  • only one piece of pot! could be after 12th, but one piece.
 Total fragments

Basic Information

  • Layer of earth inside US 8076

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Darian Marie Totten
  • 8-6-2009
  • Andrea Di Miceli
  • 8-6-2009