- Fill for modern posthole. large stones, brick fragments and mortar fragments served as support support for the post. The role of the internal posthole for support of this later post has yet to be discerned.
- Darian Marie Totten
- 28-7-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- color, consistency
- pick, trowel
- 0.86 m minimum diameter; 0.93 m maximum diameter; see plan for more precise measurements
- medium silty sand
- mid blackish brown
- friable
- no later intervention
- artificial
- small pebbles, stones
- charcoal
- ceramics, brick fragments, mortar
- Fill of cut 8019 comprised of soil and stones with irregular surfaces, mortar and a few small pebbles and brick fragments. The stones are of varying dimensions (19-36 cm in length) and are placed with no discernible pattern.
- The presence of cut 8039 and fill 8040 at the interior of this fill belongs to a previous posthole which was disrupted by the construction of this posthole and its fill.
- good
Inventario di Ceramica
- xi-xii?
Totale | |
1 |
Basic Information
- Fill of cut 8019
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Andrea Di Miceli
- 28-7-2008
- Andrea Di Miceli
- 25-7-2008