- Fill of circular cut, possibly a post-hole
- Candace Rice
- 8-7-2008
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- composition, color, consistency
- trowel
- N-S: 30; E-W: 38; depth: 20
- loose soil, with brick, stones, and ceramics
- brown
- loose
- fair
- artificial
- marble, stones
- roots
- ceramics, brick
- Fill of loose dirt and some brick, stones, ceramics, marble. Sides and bottom are yellow clay.
Ceramic Inventory
Total fragments | |
2 |
Basic Information
- Fill of 7113
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Raffaele Laino
- 8-7-2008
- Raffaele Laino
- 9-7-2008