- Fill of intrusion, probably post-antique
- Monica Hellstrom
- 26-6-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- composition, compaction
- trowel, pick
- equal to 7078
- loam mixed with building materials
- dark brown
- varies
- good
- artificial
- small stones
- loam, carbon, clay
- brick and mortar fragments, pottery sherds, lime spots, 1 marble slab fragment, 1 lime tessera
- The fill is compacted on top, loose underneath, except a concentration of mortar fragments mixed and small chunks of yellow clay ca 25 cm from the surface of the fill. Towards the bottom, it is again loose, increasingly mixed with small stones, with some charcoal pockets showing evidence of burning.
- decent
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Riempimento di SU 7078.
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Monica Hellstrom
- Raffaele Laino
- 26-6-2008
- Raffaele Laino
- 25-6-2008