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    • raising of the open area to the E of wall 6251, later converted into an atrium with mosaic pavement
      • Dirk Booms
    • 24-7-2009

Stratigraphic Relationships

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  • compactness, composition
  • ?
  • earth
  • dark brown-black
  • loose
  • good
  • man-made
  • roots
  • Fairly loose layer of earth underneath the pavement to the east of wall 6251, without any inclusions. Only visible because pavement was cut by a small focolare 6264.

Ceramic Inventory

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Basic Information

  • layer under pavement to E side of wal 6251

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Dirk Booms
  • 20-7-2009
  • Seth Bernard
  • 23-7-2009