- side of the door when the opening in wall 6241 was narrowed
- Dirk Booms
- 24-7-2009
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- opus signinum with vertical bipedales
- construction technique
- good
- signinum
- bipedales
- terracotta frags, black specks
- 30 x 50 (upright)
- signinum
- very hard, light gray
- large pieces of opus signinum with bipedales originally part of a floor surface, placed vertically in the opening in wall 6241 at the level of threshold 6292
Basic Information
- opus signinum with vertical bipedales
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Dirk Booms
- Seth Bernard
- 23-7-2009