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    • Possibly the offset on the W side of wall 6251, or more likely to be connected to the door in wall 6241
      • Dirk Booms
    • 24-7-2009

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  • brick surface linked to door in wall 6241
  • construction technique
  • poor
  • brick
  • 15 x 38 cm
  • 2 triangular bricks with facing sides 14 and 22 cm
  • Two tiles protruding under wall 6251 and on top of the floor level 6288 which are bonded with mortar they seem to continue under the yellow clay 6236 northwards, and are aligned with the door opening in wall 6241.

Basic Information

  • brick surface linked to door in wall 6241


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Dirk Booms
  • Seth Bernard
  • 23-7-2009