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    • Fill of modern drain 6224
      • Lisa Fentress
    • 13-1-2011

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • No Linked Records

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  • inclusions, shape
  • pick, trowel
  • dark gray
  • loose
  • good
  • man-made
  • occassional brick, many blocks of mortar and stone, seemginly broken up Roman pavement
  • Dark gray gill that is fairly loose but consists entirely of blocks of mortar, both very large to fist-sized, some of which seem to be broken up pavement.
  • the cut for the drain 6224 was filled with the modern fill 6187 above this fill

Ceramic Inventory

  • impossible to date
 Total fragments

Basic Information

  • bottom fill of 6224

Architectural Elements

  • VM_AE894
    • Roman
    • file_image

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Dirk Booms
  • Seth Bernard
  • 30-6-2009