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    • Drain running north south under atrium
      • Lisa Fentress
    • 13-1-2011

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  • drain constructed within wall 6221, continues under pavement 6218
  • shape, construction
  • good
  • bipedales
  • bipedales
  • The drain in wall 6221 that continues under pavement 6218 in N-S direction, is created with bipedales. Although the modern cut 6215 seems to have cut the drain, the bricks have not been broken. However, there is not enough space between the existing bricks for another bipedalis. What was cut, however, were two small walls that were constructed along the course of the drain, on both sides, which are part of wall 6221.
  • has no been emptied, so no idea of depth

Basic Information

  • drain constructed within wall 6221, continues under pavement 6218

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Dirk Booms
  • Seth Bernard
  • 30-6-2009