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    • Tile floor of structure 6184
      • Lisa Fentress
    • 13-1-2011

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  • tile floor
  • construction technique
  • very good
  • roof tiles
  • none
  • 6.60 m diameter
  • re-used roof tiles
  • The tile floor inside the round structure 6184 is completely composed of reused roof tiles of which the sides have been cut off. Two rows of 4 tiles were laid in front of the praefurnium opening, while the other tiles are following largely a consistent pattern longitudinal NW-SE (see photo). The floor is considered not to be the original floor of the round structure, but put in later with its preparation reusing the preparation of the original pavement (see 6210). The floor is related to the wall plaster of 6184.

Basic Information

  • tile floor

Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Dirk Booms
  • James Tan
  • 18-6-2009