- Dirk Booms
- 18-6-2009
Stratigraphic Relationships
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- inclusions, color, compaction
- pick, shovel
- loose sandy clay
- dark gray, black
- fairly loose
- good
- man-made
- modern tile, modern pottery, glass, metal, plastic
- Modern fill in NE of trench abutting granaio wall. Fill is made up of loose sandy black-gray fill with many large inclusions of modern tile, brick, pottery, glass, and other rubbish.
- very modern fill, possibly 1950s or 60s, probably created at the moment that the barn was constructed
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Fill of 6186
Dettagli del Record
- James Tan
- 18-6-2009