- Piano di livellemento le preparazione del pavimento
- Federica Pollari
- 10-6-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- color, composition, and the surface, which is very flat
- not fully excavated
- sandy clay
- yellow-green
- loose
- good
- man-made
- malleable clay, stones
- concrete
- Layer of yellow-green clay under 6016 in SW corner of the trench. It has a very regular surface that appears to be compact. In the section we can note inclusions (small concrete and stone and parts with more malleable clay) in the composition.
- The layer was excavated only in part. It has been excavated in a little trench (a sondage) in a N-S direction in order to see the section.
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Clay layer under 6016 in SW corner
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Janine Young
- 10-6-2008
- Seth Bernard
- 10-6-2008