- Wall bounding east end of cella vinaria.
- Janine Young
- 9-6-2008
- Wall bounding east end of cella vinaria.
- Janine Young
- 9-6-2008
- Wall bounding east end of cella vinaria.
- Janine Young
- 9-6-2008
Sito Foto
- N-S wall visible in N-W corner
- location
- poor
- masonry
- not preserved
- none
- 0.40 x 1.36
- concrete
- reticulatum
- 5 cm
- bipedales
- gray-white hard with yellow inclusions
- 15 cm
- Wall with offset reticulatum foundation and reticulatum courses ending in brick guain at the angle made between the juncture of this wall and E-W wall 6010. The brick guiain extends from the wall juncture to a lenght of 0.70 m. Wall is cut by the construction of the drain 6004 and levelled off for the granaio floor.
- Does not appear to continue north of wall 6010. Continues west and south into edges of trench, also continues down below.
- reticulatum and latericium with bipedales
- antonine
Basic Information
- N-S wall visible in N-W corner
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Janine Young
- 9-6-2008
- Claudia Moser
- 9-6-2008