- fill of dolium pit covered by wall destruction. mixing indicates later tampering, as does obvious robber cut on S side
- Tyler Franconi
- 25-6-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- color, contents
- small tools
- mixed earth, rubble
- dark brown
- loose
- good
- artificial
- marble, stone
- charcoal
- tiles, dolium fragments, brick, mortar
- Fill of circular cut 5110 in SW corner of ambiente 6 in angle of 5008 and 5044. Composed of rubble, mortar, dolium fragments, roof tiles, bricks, and charcoal in dark brown soil which is loosely mixed. Base and rim of dolium present in fragments.
- materials in fill are mixed, dolium pieces appear in south side of cut, small tile and brick fragments fill in north
- discrete
Inventario di Ceramica
- Amphora sherd in Tunsian fabric of unidentified type/date
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