- floor
- Ryan Ricciardi
- 24-7-2007
Site Photo
- No records attached.
- color, components, compaction
- pick, shovel, trowel
- mortar, tile
- white, red
- very compact
- poor
- artificial
- mortar, broken tile
- This is a small corner of pavement preserved in the SW corner of the walls of SUs 5008 and 5043. The was cut by SU 5061 and therefore only a small section of it remains. It is inclined inwards towards the cut. The presence of a floor associated with the lowest level of SU 5008 indicates an occupation level that was subsequently destroyed.
- It is apparent that SU 5064 sits at the lowest courses of the wall because the foundation level of SU 5008 is immediately beneath the tiles (bipedal).
- good
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Piece of pavement/make-up (opus signinum) in the SW corner of SU (5062) in the angle created by SSUs [5008] and [5043]
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Serena Privitera
- Tom Morton
- 24-7-2007
- Ryan Ricciardi
- 24-7-2007