- a Roman road-- spur of the Via Latina?
- Ryan Ricciardi
- 14-6-2007
Stratigraphic Relationships
- components
- pick, trowel, shovel, brush, Bobcat
- east side: 4.88 x 4.90 m
- paving stones and compact brown silt between them
- yellow
- very compact
- good
- artificial
- large limestone (abundant)
- rare tiles between paving stones
- The large paving stones run approximately E-W at the south third of the trench. They are cut by the ditch 5004 but continue on the eastern side of the ditch. These (same?) paving stones appear in the 1 x 1 m sondage opened on 01.06.07 at the eastern end of the trench = 5025 and in the eastern part of the trench. Con l'allargamento verso W operato il 2.07.2007 si è potuta indagare un ulteriore porzione della strada che risulta in forte pendio e spezzata in corrispondenza della sezione W probabilmente per un cedimento strutturale o della preparazione sottostante. In the western part of the trench, the paving stones angle up to the west (go up to about 1 m in the 2 m distance). There is a break in the road at the edge of the trench.
- The road on the western side of the trench is covered by two different deposits (5013, 5014), which may be later road surfaces. When excavating the ditch 5004, a significant concentration of pottery was found in 5005 in front of the road and its preparation. 2009: completato lo scavo della distruzione 5005=5285; 5015 risulta coperto da 5014=5289.
- buona
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- large expanse of large paving stones
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Serena Privitera
- Ryan Ricciardi
- Tom Morton
- Ryan Ricciardi
- 18-6-2007