- adult skeleton in earthen grave
- Caroline Goodson
- 20-7-2010
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Adult in north section of bii, covered by topsoil. Adult in N-S orientation, missing lower half.
- small tools
- earthen
- unclear, two blocks were located over the head
- partial
- excellent
- adult skeleton in supine position with left arm crossed over chest and lowwer half of skeleton is missing
- There is a reduction 4569 to the right of the HRU. The cut which removed half of the skeleton was most likely the cut to build the wall that was then robbed by 4034.
- high
- shape of skull
- teeth, size of bones
- construction of a later wall 4125, eventually robbed out, 4034
- turned to the east
- a
- a
- a
- a
- a
- a
- lower half of body is midding, upper limbs disturbed
Decomposizione e Compressione
- none
- not apparent
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- not apparent
- not apparent
- not apparent
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