- riempimento
- Giorgio Rascaglia
- 8-7-2010
- fill of robbing cut for dolium.
- Lisa Fentress
- 21-7-2010
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
- color, composition, components
- pick, shovel, trowel
- clayey
- brown
- compact
- good
- artificial
- stones
- Much pottery, some mortar and tile. Much less tile, however, than the neighboring 4598.
- Layer cut by the hut 4499. Its surface was covered by the destruction layer of the hut, and it seems to have remained slightly lower than the original edge of the cut. The fact that this cut was surrounded by postholes, at least on the south side, suggests that it may have been used as a sort of porch in front of the hut.
- individuato giugno 2010, non scavato
- late sixth, early seventh
- good
Inventario di Ceramica
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