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    • remnants of collapse of roof due to fire
      • Meg Andrews
    • 22-6-2010

Stratigraphic Relationships

Sito Foto


  • contents, composition
  • trowel
  • area in corridor II north of 4461, south of 4460
  • tiles/soil
  • black
  • medium
  • good
  • artificial
  • charcoal
  • tiles
  • layer of tiles within black soil rich in charcoal and ash; mostly pan tiles, but a few cover tiles
  • seems to equal similar deposit on west side of 4005; no tiles found on south side of 4461
  • good

Inventario di Ceramica

  • Impossibile determinare

Basic Information

  • layer of tiles on E side of 4005 under 4555 in corridor II = 4418?


Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Meg Andrews
  • 22-6-2010
  • Meg Andrews
  • 21-6-2010