- Burial of a juvenile male skeleton in SE section. W-E orientation. Supine position, with slightly disturbed dx arm and possible pelvic deformity.
- Meg Andrews
- 18-6-2010
- HRU in SE extent of corridor II, abutting church
- small tools
- earthen
- none visible
- W-E
- good
- good
- Juvenile skeleton, W-E orientation, supine position in SE section wall, parallel to church. Only could be excavated to the prox. femora. Slight disturbance of dx radius and ulna, possible deformity of dx innominate.
- Has broken tile over head. Possible covering?
- good
- mandible, cranium
- maturation
- natural
- F
- N/A
- F
- N/A
- nA
- NA
- possibly deformed dx innominate
Decomposition and Compression
- none
- no
- closed
- NA
- NA
- none
- none
- no
- no
- dx arm (radius and ulna)disturbed, but cause not clear
- church wall on sx side