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    • Fill of a cut for a structure supported by post holes
      • Caroline Goodson
    • 22-6-2010

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • No Linked Records

Site Photo

  • No records attached.


  • color, compaction, composition
  • pick, shovel, trowel
  • 2.45 x 2.42
  • clayey soil
  • black
  • loose
  • discreto
  • artificial
  • limestone pavers (70 x 40), clay, pietre, basoli, marmo
  • animal bones, human bones, charcoal
  • tiles, fragments of pottery, glass
  • deposit of black loose clayey soil with high frequency of pavers, and moderate quantity of pottery fragments, mixed throughout
  • excavation began on June 16, 2010, completed June 22, 2010
  • discreta

Ceramic Inventory

  • NB the pompeian red; check the frag of glazed to determine date. L'invetriata è Forum Ware, direi tra IX e X secolo.
 Total fragments

Basic Information

  • fill of round hole in SW corner of BII

Architectural Elements

  • VM_AE1267
    • Roman
    • file_image
  • VM_AE1059
    • Medieval
  • VM_AE1060
    • Medieval
    • file_imagemultiple


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 21-6-2010
  • Caroline Goodson
  • 18-6-2010