- Adult skeleton buried in built tomb
- Megan McNamee
- 21-7-2009
Stratigraphic Relationships
Sito Foto
- head of adult skeleton visible in 4107 at corner of 4053 and 4006
- small tools, trowel
- Built grave. Rectangular stone forming part of the western edge of the tomb in place with a limestone block below.
- -
- W-E
- poor (partially exposed in cut SU 4107 since 2007)
- poor
- adult skeleton buried on W-E orientation between 4005 and 4053 cut by 4107
- Cranium smashed. Grave of 4387* is aligned with what seem to be a series of built graves destroyed for the construction of the cloister? See end of year plan for 2009.
- high
- -
- size of bones
- cut by 4107 for construction of the cloister
- turned slightly to the left
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
Decomposizione e Compressione
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Right clavicle is absent the left was found to the left of the skull
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Head, clavicle
- Difficult to determine.