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    • Adult male. Head may have been resting on something and when this shifted it fell causing the unusual curve in the spine.
      • Megan McNamee
    • 24-7-2009

Stratigraphic Relationships

Site Photo


  • skeleton with twisted spine in tomb along north side of narthex
  • small tools, trowel
  • built tomb
  • W-E
  • good
  • good
  • Earlier skeleton in tomb along the north side of narthex in Room II. Head is rotated to the right. Spine is drastically curved to the left. Pelvis is very open.
  • Excavated out of phase. Skeleton extended just beyond the limits of the tomb (on the north side).
  • high
  • lower mandable; sciatic (sp?) notch; ventral arch
  • size of bones
  • later burial


  • turned to the right
  • F
  • D
  • F
  • D
  • D
  • D
  • SX hand extended over right elbow; DX hand extended over left elbow.


Decomposition and Compression

  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Open
  • A
  • Right foot turned laterally
  • Verticalized--more so on the DX
  • Yes on DX, no on SX
  • No lateral rotation (DX and SX)
  • In place
  • Vertibrae, ribs, arms, pelvis, head, ankles
  • Empty space

Isotope Analysis


Basic Information

  • skeleton with twisted spine in tomb along north side of narthex



Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 16-7-2009
  • Megan McNamee
  • 15-7-2009