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    • adult hru, partially excavated.
      • Caroline Goodson
    • 20-7-2010
    • adult hru, partially excavated.
      • Caroline Goodson
    • 20-7-2010

Stratigraphic Relationships

Sito Foto

  • No records attached.


  • adult skeleton in section, just underneath 4323*
  • small tools
  • earthen grave
  • not present
  • W-E
  • Skeleton of an individual located in the N. section of B II. Passing beyond the limits of excavation, the individual is supine, with flexed right arm.
  • bones extending into trench were removed; fully excavated in the extension of trench, 2010. The digitised GIS skeleton, however, is that of the state of excavation in 2009.
  • none
  • high
  • shape of mandible (however, the skull remained in the section)
  • size


  • turned slightly to the north
  • A
  • F - Partial
  • F
  • A
  • D
  • D
  • Right arm crossed over left. Another individual is buried immediately above (?4323)


Decomposizione e Compressione

  • R fallen inwards
  • missing
  • missing
  • impossible to see
  • slightly inwards
  • impossible to determine

Isotope Analysis


Basic Information

  • adult skeleton in section, just underneath 4323*

Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 10-7-2009
  • Caroline Goodson
  • 8-7-2009