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  • 4342*
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    • Burial of an adult male in a walled tomb that postdates N wall narthex buried in open space (hence the disturbance of pelvis and torso).
      • Caroline Goodson
    • 15-7-2009

Stratigraphic Relationships

Sito Foto


  • skeleton of individual buried in grave cut alongs north face of narthex
  • small tools, trowel
  • built
  • stone and brick tomb cover
  • W-E
  • good
  • good
  • Skeleton of adult W-E orientation located on north side of narthex. Supine position arms flexed and legs extended cranium slightly displaced a lot of movement in pelvis and torso.
  • The grave has large stones at the head and foot of the skeleton as well as a worked marble slab on its northern edge. These all seem to correspond to 4342*.
  • good
  • size of bones and mandible
  • size of bones
  • slightly disturbed


  • central turned slightly to S.
  • F
  • D
  • F
  • A
  • D
  • D
  • Unclear whether disturbance caused by decomposition, another indiv. or other


Decomposizione e Compressione

  • yes
  • yes
  • sacrum inverted, pelvis open, pushed up
  • left slipped to N.
  • yes
  • orig. pos.
  • SN yes DX no
  • no
  • Sacrum and some vertebrae and ribs
  • N. side of grave

Isotope Analysis


Basic Information

  • skeleton of individual buried in grave cut alongs north face of narthex


Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 8-7-2009
  • Caroline Goodson
  • 8-7-2009