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    • Packing of stone around wall of calcara
      • Frances Parton
    • 28-7-2008

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • Nessun Record e' Leggato

Sito Foto

  • No records attached.


  • color, components
  • trowel
  • 1.30 x 1.00
  • loose soil and stones
  • dark yellow-brown
  • medium compaction
  • mediocre
  • artificial
  • clay, stones of medium dimensions (>25 cm) chalk, marble
  • mortar, few fragments of pottery
  • Pack of soil and stone around and abutting 4123. The rubble is limestone of medium to large size and undressed and the occasional piece of worked marble. The soil nearest to the wall of 4123 is reddened by the firing of the kiln.
  • The context covers an ossuary - not excavated in 2008. This is a junky context, having been exposed for 2 months.
  • mediocre

Inventario di Ceramica

There are no results for this record

Basic Information

  • Pack of soil and stone abutting area of praefurnium

Elementi Architectonici

  • VM_AE1211
    • Roman

failed to get markup 'sculpture'

  • VM_S23
    • file_imagemultiple
    • Drapery, fragment


Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 28-7-2008
  • Megan McNamee
  • 28-7-2008