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    • Skeleton part of group buried in 4149
      • Megan McNamee
    • 18-7-2008

Stratigraphic Relationships

Site Photo


  • adult skeleton (missing head), N-S orientation in SU 4149
  • small tools, trowel, brushes
  • fossa terragna, singola, group of skeletons cut into 4149
  • earth grave not burnt
  • N-S
  • good
  • poor, fragmented
  • Skeleton missing head and left arm with N-S orientation. Covers 4181* and was cut by the grave cut for 4172*.
  • torso was crushed and shifted north; small skeleton (juvenile?)
  • good
  • head cut by 4172*, right leg cut below hip joint, missing left arm


  • missing
  • crossed
  • over left hip
  • crossed
  • over right hip
  • extended
  • extended
  • right femur cut just below joint / left lef cut below knee


Decomposition and Compression


Isotope Analysis


Basic Information

  • adult skeleton (missing head), N-S orientation in SU 4149



Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 18-7-2008
  • Cori Fenwick
  • 22-7-2008