- ? E. wall of room IV
- Caroline Goodson
- 31-7-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
- large wall with N-S orientation passing beyond N L.O.E. in room IV
- form
- mediocre
- coursed rubble
- plaster on western and southern faces
- 130 x 90
- ashy heterogenous mortar
- yellow limestone, squared rubble
- reused fragments
- dark gray crumbly
- unable to discern at present
- Wall of coursed rubble. The southern face as visible at end of excavation in 2008 has a plastered face, but the presence of 2177 and ???? make it difficult to see more.
- relationship between wall and 4189 is presently unclear