- Burial of adult in simple earthen grave cut by 4195 and ?.
- Megan McNamee
- 22-7-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
Sito Foto
- partial adult skeleton, N-S orientation just south of 4172*
- small tools, trowel
- fossa terragna
- N-S
- good
- good
- Superior half of adult skeleton with head rotated to the left with N-S orientation. Cut by ?. The right arm is missing, the left arm is extended but the radio and ulna are cut just below the elbow. A significant deposit of large stones in light earth rests where his lower half would be.
- a few finger bones found between SN arm and torso
- good
- missing lower half, and right arm
- rotated to SN
- extended (only upper arm fully preserved)
Decomposizione e Compressione
- yes
- yes
- yes
- no
- no
- pressione periferica del sedimento (in piena terra)