- taglio per fossa per rifuti di cucina
- Caroline Goodson
- 11-7-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
- No Linked Records
- forma
- 117 x 117 x 32 cm
- artificial
- Circular pit cut in room I, Bldg I, cut through pavement 4017 and adjacent to 4034, the cut sliced the pavement in asieighly shape then narrowed in circumference as the consistency of the cut layers changes on north part of the bottom, the pit extends deeper than elsewhere, revealing a layer stone of an earlier deposit.
- high
Ceramic Inventory
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Fossa circulare collcata nell'area NE del saggio
Record Details
- Lisa Fentress
- Caroline Goodson
- 18-7-2008
- Megan McNamee
- 27-6-2008