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    • Plaster spread preparing the construction of Building I
      • Caroline Goodson
    • 18-1-2008

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • Nessun Record e' Leggato

Sito Foto


  • composition
  • trowel, pick
  • white mortar
  • poor
  • artificial
  • White mortar spread cut by 4079 adjacent to 4053. 3 m south of northern LOE.
  • Excavated along with 4106, 4112, and 4114. These contexts, identified in 2007, were indistinguishable by 2009 (except for 4112 the contents of which make it easy to identify). Only minimal documentation remained from 2007. Finds from these contexts were registered under 4106.
  • poor

Inventario di Ceramica

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Basic Information

  • white mortar spread cut by 4079 adjacent to [4053]. 3 m south of northern LOE.

Dettagli del Record

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 16-7-2009
  • Jordan Pickett
  • 24-7-2007