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    • A mortared floor surface that is cut by the later walls 4005 and 2033 and is covered by the terrace wall
      • Mark Perks
    • 19-6-2007
    • A layer of slaked lime, associated with late limekiln and lime processing.
      • Caroline Goodson
    • 15-4-2011

Stratigraphic Relationships

Site Photo


  • color, compaction
  • 2.8 x 1.95 m
  • mortar, clay
  • white
  • firm fine grained sediment
  • good
  • artificial
  • mortar
  • mortared floor surface
  • good

Ceramic Inventory

  • A layer of slaked lime, associated with late limekiln and lime processing.
There are no results for this record

Basic Information

  • Mortared floor surface to the east of 4005


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Caroline Goodson
  • 20-6-2007
  • Mark Perks
  • 20-6-2007