- This is a fill of a cut, probably a robber trench from a wall running e-w and once bonding with [4005] cuts (4020) and (4019) filled it with soft black soil.
- Caroline Goodson
- 27-8-2007
- fill of robber trench 4036
- Caroline Goodson
- 17-1-2008
- fill of robber trench 4036
- Caroline Goodson
- 17-1-2008
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- consistenza, colore, composizione
- piccone, trowel
- 3 x 0.50 m
- limoso
- nero
- sciolto
- buono
- artificiale
- Pietrisco. 2008: clay
- Radici. 2008: bones, flecks of lime and carbon
- Frammenti di laterizi. 2008: large and small fragments of cement and brick. Large pieces of worked marble. Ceramic fragments. Many worked tufa bricks (opus reticulatum).
- Strato di terra posto lungo il lato N-W del saggio di colore nero con all interno pietre di piccole dimensioni, radici e frammenti ceramici. Consistenza sciolta. 2008: the upper part of the fill lacked large inclusions. The lower part composed primarily of large pieces of worked marble, brick, and shaped tufa. rn
- Data la profondita della SU si e deciso di non completare lo svuotamento. 2008: Difficulty identifying the bottom of the fossa due to significant changes in its composition. The decision was made to count them all as a single fill, though the more compact layer of large pieces of man-made material lower in the fill, could represent a separate action.
- good
Inventario di Ceramica
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3 | |
1 | |
1 | |
11 | |
3 | |
1 |