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    • preparation for narthex floor
      • Joey Castellano
    • 18-6-2010

Stratigraphic Relationships

  • No Linked Records

Site Photo


  • color, composition, compaction
  • trowel
  • 120 x 90, diameter 18
  • mortar, stones, plaster, tiles
  • white, very light gray
  • compact, friable
  • poor
  • artificial
  • stones
  • earth
  • mortar, tiles, marble, cornice fragment, plaster
  • Preparation for narthex floor consisting of stone, tiles, fragments of painted plaster, and earth loosely bound by white mortar. Included at the eastern extremity is a fragment of Roman marble cornice.
  • May cover 3920. May be equal to 2742, narthex prep south of 2001.
  • good

Ceramic Inventory

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Basic Information

  • preparation for narthex floor north of [2001]

Architectural Elements

  • VM_AE1249
    • Roman
    • file_image


Record Details

    • Lisa Fentress
    • Cori Fenwick
  • 18-6-2010
  • Cori Fenwick
  • 17-6-2010