- Shroud burial of adult female on W:E orientation disturbed by later graves.
- Cori Fenwick
- 21-7-2009
Site Photo
- partial adult skeleton north of 2001 and below HRU 3827*
- small tools
- shroud
- none
- W-E
- partial
- average
- Partial adult skeleton north of 2001 in shroud grave without grave cover. Oriented on W-E axis and in average condition.
- Some ceramics in the fill. Missing right femur; foot bones close together and difficult to determine left from right. Several other skeletons disrupting at head and pelvis levels.
- good
- sciatic notch
- size and maturation
- other graves
- missing
- flexed
- absent
- flexed
- absent
- extended
- extended
- right femur absent
Decomposition and Compression
- yes
- yes
- left - yes; right - no
- feet appear crossed
- yes
- yes
- some - more on left side
- left - no; right - absent
- right femur and cranium lost due to later burials.
- no visible cause