- Juvenile skeleton on W-E orientation. Torso severely disturbed, probably from burial of [3592]. Nature of disturbed bone shows the bones had room to move, probably indicating a burial in empty space. Skeleton also has oblique scapulas on both sides
- Cori Fenwick
- 13-7-2009
- juvenile W-E skeleton below HRU 3592*, severely disturbed torso
- small tools
- coffin
- none visible
- W-E
- poor
- poor
- Juvenile skeleton on W-E orientation in supine position. Most of cranium is absent, whole torso is very disturbed; missing right leg.
- good
- juvenile
- maturation size
- later graves
- Natural Position?
- Undeterminable
- Absent
- Undeterminable
- Absent
- Disconnected
- Absent
- Skeleton very disturbed and poorly perserved
Decomposizione e Compressione
- Undeterminable
- Absent
- Open
- Absent
- Open
- Absent
- Yes both sides
- None
- None
- Scapula Torso