- N-S adult burial in built grave against church wall cut by [2001] with glass unguentaria in fill
- Erica Nitsch
- 15-7-2009
- adult S-N burial, south of 2001, against church
- small tools
- built grave
- none
- S-N
- good
- moderate
- mostly complete adult skeleton on S-N orientation with right arm crossed over chest and left arm placed over pelvis. Lower legs from mid tibia are under 2001. Right side compressed against church wall.
- fill and cut for this grave are the same fill and cut for the filled in church doorway
- good
- gracile shape of chin and wide sciatic notch
- size of limbs, fusion of epiphyses
- cut by 2001
- tilted down and turned slightly to the west
- f (slightly bent)
- too incomplete
- f
- too incomplete
- e
- e
- left arm is slight bent to position hand over pelvis
Decomposizione e Compressione
- yes
- no
- open slightly
- r patella lying to the east of the leg
- not present
- yes on L
- yes on r & l
- yes on r & l
- no
- right side of skeleton disturbed by compression against church wall, vetebral column is disturbed
- church wall