- Lower half of adult skeleton in marble paved tomb on W-E orientation
- Cori Fenwick
- 14-7-2009
- lower half of adult skeleton in built tomb south of 2001, lying on marble pavement
- small tools
- tomb
- none
- W-E
- poor
- good
- fragments of left pelvis, left femur, both tibias and ankles of adult individual, lying directly on marble pavement
- Could it be related to the right fragment of torso found earlier for HRU 3655*?
- none
- good
- pelvis too fragmentary
- fusion of epiphyses of long bones
- later burials
- absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Extended
- Extended
Decomposizione e Compressione
- Absent
- Absent
- Too fragmentary but is probably open
- Left in situ
- Connected
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Disturbed by later burials