- Grave of a child on S-N orientation. Cut by later cemetery activity.
- Cori Fenwick
- 7-7-2009
- lower body of child on S-N orientation parallel to church facade
- small tools
- earth?
- none visible
- S-N
- mediocre
- good
- Femora and right ilium of a child in supine position on S-N orientation. South of the wall 2001 west of and parallel to the church.
- ceramic
- good
- child
- size
- later graves
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Extended
- Extended
- Most of skeleton missing
Decomposition and Compression
- Absent
- Absent
- Right ilium in position, left missing
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- Absent
- In position