- Cut for grave of HRU 3544* poorly preserved. Shape and limits impossible to determine
- Cori Fenwick
- 2-7-2009
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- form
- small tools
- 0.80 x 0.25
- x
- x
- x
- poor
- artificial
- x
- x
- x
- cut for simple earth grave of HRU 3544*, limits of which are indeterminate
- disturbed at western ends
- x
- x
- x
- average
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- cut of grave of HRU 3543*
- burial
Dettagli del Record
- Cori Fenwick
- 2-7-2009