- Nessuna Interpretazione
- composition
- trowel
- N-S: 0.85 m; E-W: 0.43 m
- earth, tiles, mortar and worked marble
- well preserved
- artificial
- The fill of 3154 contains elements that are part of the constructed tomb including an upright tile on a N-S axis that describes the eastern limit of the tomb. At the bottom of the cut is a series of tiles sitting in mortar. There is also a fragment of worked marble similar to those found in situ in the grave of *3102.
- good
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Fill of grave cut in center-east zone of chapel, cut by bell casting pit
- Walled tomb inside church - doesn't contain any articulated burials
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Caroline Goodson
- 28-7-2007
- Lovisa Brannstedt
- 18-7-2007