- Cut for the foundation for the southern wall of the chapel. Despite the fact that the sourthern wall has been rebuilt, the foundation seems continuous. It seems likely that there was rebuilding of the wall, but not the entire foundation.
- Megan McNamee
- 28-7-2007
Stratigraphic Relationships
- Nessun Record e' Leggato
Sito Foto
- No records attached.
- form, location
- trowel
- 2.05 m x 0.25 m
- dal marrone all'ocra scuro
- artificial
- cut along the south wall of the chapel
- mediocre
Inventario di Ceramica
There are no results for this record
Basic Information
- Cut for foundation trench on for the construction of the south wall of the chapel
Dettagli del Record
- Lisa Fentress
- Hendrik Dey
- Annalisa de Franzoni
- 17-6-2006