- partial skeleton of child on W-E orientation whose grave was disturbed by later burials. Only some upper vertabrae and ribs survive along with pelvis and partial lower limbs
- Karen Heslin
- 16-6-2009
Stratigraphic Relationships
- partial skeleton of child on W-E orientation cut by SU 2865 and 2850 (HRU 2863* and 2848*)
- small tools
- simple earth
- W-E
- poor
- poor
- upper vertebrae, some ribs, pelvis, and some lower limbs survive in this partial skeleton of a child whose burial was disturbed by the insertion of later graves
- no grave goods
- good
- child
- length of bones
Decomposition and Compression
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent
- absent