- partial remains of child on w-e orientation. supine. only left scapula, arm, and some ribs and vertebrae survive. cuts, and is cut by, other graves nearby.
- Karen Heslin
- 28-7-2008
Site Photo
- partial skeleton of child cut by HRU 2769* and 2757*, cuts HRU 2726*, in corner between 2001 and 2081
- small tools
- W-E
- bad
- poor
- Partial remains of skeleton of child. Supine, W-E orientation. Only fragmentary remains of left torso, truncated by HRU 2757* at east, and 2769* at west, cuts HRU 2762*. Left scapula, arm, some ribs and vertebrae survive.
- no anthropological schede
- good
- missing